Thursday, August 04, 2005

3 weeks and counting

Yup, 3 weeks and counting. That's how long my big boss has been in a black mood. Everything is wrong and nothing is up to her expectation. Innocent parties get blasted and bystanders get dragged into the maw. Woe is the person who has to clear a contentious piece of work with her. You will end up getting love letters (if you're lucky) and hairdryer treatement (if you're unlucky).

But of course, there are always the evergreens; People who can do no wrong and always come out smelling like a bed of roses. If they're in your branch, good for you, you can use them as a shield against her wrath. However, if a 'blacklisted' person is in your branch, sighz. My utmost condolences to you.

Me? I just hope to pass through this month alive. When my big boss makes a passing remark, my small boss jumps sky high and lands on me. Sigh, what to do? Have to jump together lor. Totally hate it and find it unproductive. These are the times when you realise you need the humility and the presence of the HS just to get through the next hour.