Saturday, August 26, 2006

Pluto loses its planet status

In a Planet Shaking event, Pluto lost its status as the 9th planet in the solar system.

Not to be confused with the other Planet Shaking event that occurred in Expo two weeks ago when the Planetshakers played, Pluto was demoted to a 'dwarf planet', a new category created for such heavenly bodies.

While it wasn't clear that the news has reached Pluto (light and radio waves take quite a long while to travel out to the extremes of the solar system), Earthlings have taken up the protest at the change in status. The loudest being those in Chiba, Miami, Los Angeleus and Hong Kong.

Protesters were dressed up in Disneyland costumes and several mini models of a dog were noted amongst them. Boards with the wordings 'Say No to Discrimination to Canines' and 'Dogs are not Dwarves' were seen.

Life goes on as usual for the Martians in Mars. "Events in the 3rd planet from the sun do not concern us, especially menial ones like classification of planets. Just so long they don't start writing War of the Worlds sequels were dogs from Pluto invade Earth in protest"

Meanwhile in Jupiter and Saturn, debates as to whether to classify Earth and Mars as planet continue...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Reporting Strength

Been lots of things happening between the credit card blog and this blog.

Death become more real upon the passing away of my first aunt. Although it has been expected for quite a long time, it still does come as a shock. More so if you see her frame in her final days. For someone so strong and dependable, it is sobering to look at the same person lying in the bed quite comatose and realising that her time is up. Well, at least it was a chance for all the cousins to come together to get to know each other. And of course, like most Chinese funerals in Singapore, there's always the overnight vigil which can be rather draining... *yawn*

Work is getting more hectic, especially with Bird Flu coming and the need to draw up BCPs coming down hard on me. What's more interesting is that you end up doing the BCP for the sub units in your company as well, which really should not be the case. Shouldn't you have BCPs for your own critical processes? Ah well, that's life. Plan Bs are like way down there in the priority list and people only start panicking when 'IT' is coming.

A friend of mine got back with his ex after the split sometime back. Maybe it is just my shy nature, but I think it's a minor miracle if you can be on speaking terms with your ex. But getting back together again after a split of *years*. THAT takes the cake. Way to go man, all the best, waiting for the good news for you :)

That's that for now. I'll try not to leave such a long interval in between blogs, but given the way life works, that'll be quite hard to commit too (typical guy!)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I Promised to Blog This :p

Promised my good friend that I'll blog this 'once in a blue moon event'

He's one of those people who has most of the credit cards available in the market. But relax, he doesn't rack up debts as if they don't need to be repaid. (Lousy analogy I know, but it's 11.50pm at night. Give me a break!) Guess what? I have a card that he doesn't have! *rotflol* I never did know that this day would come. :) Or is that something that's good to have... *ponder*

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tis the Season

Just finished the spring cleaning of the house *phew* Thank God for mum and sisters for help. Seriously, I have never seen the house so clean in my entire life. Where previously I would welcome visitors because they help to take some of the dirt out of the house, now I don't think I would want people stepping into my clean house. That's progress for you huh?

Nothing really much to blog. Rather, nothing edifying or insightful to blog about except the incessant urge to look for a back door out of the current work place. Until a sermon today on Ministry at the Marketplace woke up my idea. Essentially where we are today is part of the Greater plan and it's our job to make the best out of it. Sounds good in theory, but difficult to apply.

Like what one of my colleague says: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Counting on that to happen ;)