In a Planet Shaking event, Pluto lost its status as the 9th planet in the solar system.
Not to be confused with the other Planet Shaking event that occurred in Expo two weeks ago when the Planetshakers played, Pluto was demoted to a 'dwarf planet', a new category created for such heavenly bodies.
While it wasn't clear that the news has reached Pluto (light and radio waves take quite a long while to travel out to the extremes of the solar system), Earthlings have taken up the protest at the change in status. The loudest being those in Chiba, Miami, Los Angeleus and Hong Kong.
Protesters were dressed up in Disneyland costumes and several mini models of a dog were noted amongst them. Boards with the wordings 'Say No to Discrimination to Canines' and 'Dogs are not Dwarves' were seen.
Life goes on as usual for the Martians in Mars. "Events in the 3rd planet from the sun do not concern us, especially menial ones like classification of planets. Just so long they don't start writing War of the Worlds sequels were dogs from Pluto invade Earth in protest"
Meanwhile in Jupiter and Saturn, debates as to whether to classify Earth and Mars as planet continue...