Friday, July 01, 2005

40 Days

Today went to Expo for a time of prayer after work. It was the beginning of the annual 40 days of prayer and fasting by the churches under the Love Singapore Network.

Truth be told, I wasn't too keen on going. Expo is just at the other side of the world and at the end of nowhere. Also, been running on fumes for this whole week, tired from all the nonsense that go on in work. But I figured, there's no point hanging around in office longer than required, I have nothing to do in the evening, may as well do something productive and pray for the nations. Wasn't as easy as I thought it could be.

To keep it short, my mind wasn't fully focused while prayer, kept thinking about work and was struggling to stay awake. It didn't help much when I heard 'strategising' during one of the speeches by one of the speakers, it just-so-reminded-me-of-work *urrggh*

Then I saw the clip about East Timor. It struck me that the situation there is somewhat like Singapore 40 years back, worse in some ways. But the point is that it could have been us 40 years ago, but we were blessed and Singapore prospered. Now, this is a chance for the Christian Community to influence the destiny of a new-born nation and it is close to us. Basically that got me dusting off the cobwebs of slumber and started praying for real about the nation.

Like I said, may as well do something productive on a Friday evening like this ;)

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